From nitrogen ice cream to religious services and memorable student performances, our community knows how to bring the excitement of campus to CPW. If you would like to submit an event, please follow the guidelines below. All events must be submitted by March 19 and approved by the events committee before they can be listed in the CPW directory.

This year, we’re using a new platform to register CPW events! Similar to years prior, you’ll make a profile where you can create, edit, and manage your CPW event submissions. You will have until March 19, to manage your events.

Have questions about how to get started? Create your profile and check out our quick FAQ guide here.

A helpful resource for on-campus space reservations: MIT Institute Events Space Reservation Resource Guide
General Campus Space: most spaces on campus can be reserved through Reserve Campus Activities Complex (CAC)/DAPER.
Classrooms: most classrooms can be reserved through the Registrar’s Office
Department Owned/Independently Owned Spaces: you will need to reach out to specific department administration

The following times are restricted from other programming. Your event may overlap with the last 15 minutes of any of the following events.

  • Thursday, April 17, 8:30–9:30 PM: Admitted Student Welcome
  • Friday, April 18, 10–11:30AM: MIT Welcome and a Taste of SHASS
  • Friday, April 18, 1–2 PM: DAPER Gateway [only Departmental Sponsored Events Allowed during these times]
  • Friday, April 18, 2–3:30 PM: Academic Expo [only Departmental Sponsored Events Allowed during these times]
  • Saturday, April 19, 6–7:30 PM: Closing Show

Note, CPW ends at 12pm on Sunday, April 20. All events on Sunday must end by noon.

If you’d like to learn more about how to participate in the Academic Expo, please reach out to Mikey Santoro,

Large-Scale Programming

The following events are large-scale events to keep in mind when planning your event. There is no restriction on timing.

  • Friday, April 18, 9–10 AM: Breakfast with the Community
  • Friday, April 18, 4–6 PM: Greek Carnival
  • Saturday, April 19, 1–3 PM: ASA Midway
  • CPW is dry. No alcohol should be displayed or consumed during any event or program.
  • You are an ambassador of MIT. Please adhere to all policies and expectations laid out in the Mind and Hand Book.
  • All MIT faculty, staff, or students working with minors should complete the new training about the Protection of Minors at MIT, available via the Atlas Learning Center. This training introduces the policies and procedures designed to protect the safety of minors who participate in MIT’s in-person, online, and hybrid programs. The course takes about 20 minutes to complete.
  • All faculty, staff, volunteers, and students working with minors should also review DOs and DON’Ts of Working with Minors which provide tips and helpful guidance for maintaining a safe and positive environment. Review the guidance for Protection of Minors from MIT’s Risk Management & Compliance Services.
  • Individual background checks for each event host will not be necessary, but all other guidelines apply.
  • Remember: Only representatives of official MIT entities—residence halls, FSILGs, ASAs, and approved groups and DLCs—may host CPW events. Individuals may not host events.