If you need to make a change to a previously submitted event, you are able to do so on your Attendee Interactive portal prior to March 17, by selecting and editing your event under My Submissions.

If you need to cancel your event entirely, please find your event submission and select “Withdraw Event” prior to March 17. If you would like to withdraw your event after March 17, please email cpw@mitadmissions.org

Once you officially submit your event, our event committee will go over the details to make sure everything checks out. The event committee will contact you directly if there are any questions or concerns. In early April, we will send out the link to our virtual scheduling system, where you can then review your event details and make sure everything looks good to go. In the meantime, no news means good news!

With any event planning, it’s important to mitigate confusion for planners and attendees as best as possible! Having a day-of-event contact will allow us to catch any conflicts or miscommunication that may pop up.

If you don’t have an appointed contact when you create your event, please make sure to identify a contact and update your event registration form before March 17.

You can still try to register an event by emailing cpw@mitadmissions.org as soon as possible. Please include the event title, description, date, link, and timing in your email. We cannot guarantee it will make it to the event schedule, but we’ll do our best!

Feel free to check out our more specific FAQs for Attendee Interactive, here.

If you have any other questions about anything related to CPW, email us at cpw@mitadmissions.org and we’ll be in touch!